Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Exception-based Timed Locks

A notable feature of Boost.Synchro is the use of exceptions in conjunction with timed locks. This extension is based on the idea of Kevlin Henney presented on "More C++ Threading".
In addition to the standard try_lock_until/try_lock_for which returns false on expiry, Boost.Synchro adds two functions lock_until and lock_for which lock until a specified time is reached or a specified amount of time is elapsed, respectively, and throw a timeout exception on expiry.

The implementation of these function is of course quite simple. Just wrapping the try_clock_... call and throw the exception when  try_clock_... return false.

template<typename Clock, typename Duration>
void lock_until(chrono::time_point<Clock, Duration> const & abs_time)
    throw timeout_exception();
template<typename Rep, typename Period>
void lock_for(chrono::duration<Rep, Period> const & rel_time)
    throw timeout_exception();

Exception-based Timed Lockers
In addition to supporting timeout exception for Lockables, the library supports them also for exception-based timed lockers. The semantics of each constructor and member function are identical to those of boost::unique_lock for the same Lockable, except that the constructor that takes a time or a duration as first parameter in addition to the reference to a mutex will call m.lock_until(t) or m.lock_for(d) rather than m.try_lock_until(t) or m.try_lock_for(d) and so a timeout_exception is possible on the constructor.

Let me start with an example of an application needing to lock several locks at the same time. Once all the locks are locked something must be done. Otherwise the application do something else and reiterate the lock requests. The natural and exception safe way to do that is

while (polling) {
  std::unique_lock<boost::mutex> l1(m1, t);
  std::unique_lock<boost::mutex> l2(m2, t);
  std::unique_lock<boost::mutex> l3(m3, t);
  if (l1.has_lock() && l2.has_lock() && l3.has_lock()) {
    polling = false;
  } else execute_on_failed();

The problem with this code is that it locks m2 even if l1 do not owns the lock m1. The advertised reader could argument that if the lock m1 has not been locked by a timeout, as all share the same time constraint the failing lock of m2 will not be expensive. Well the problem is that the locking of m1 can fail because m1 is already locked. When we try to optimize this

while (polling) {
  boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> l1(m1, t);
  if (l1.has_lock()) {
    boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> l2(m2, t);
    if (l2.has_lock()) {
      boost::unique_lock<mutex> l3(m3, t);
      if (l2.has_lock()) {
        polling = false;
      } else execute_on_failed();
    } else execute_on_failed();
  } else execute_on_failed();

the code becomes unmaintainable. What is event worst is that as the preceding one is subject to deadlock if another thread acquire the locks in a different order.

try_lock_until and try_lock_for non-member functions
To avoid this we can request the acquisition of all the locks together (letting the function to try several orders), as it does the function std::try_lock, but adding this time a expiration period parameter

while (polling) {
  if (bsynchro::try_lock_for(100, m1, m2, m3)) {
    polling = false; 
    bsynchro::unlock(m1, m2, m3)
  } else execute_on_failed();
While this solve the deadlock problem, this code is not exception safe.
We can improve this  code using the standard unique_lock, but deferring the lock as follows:

while (polling) {
  std::unique_lock<boost::mutex> l1(m1, defer_lock);
  std::unique_lock<boost::mutex> l2(m2, defer_lock);
  std::unique_lock<boost::mutex> l3(m3, defer_lock);
  bsynchro::try_lock_until(now()+100, l1, l2, l3);
  if (l1.has_lock()) {
    polling = false;
  } else execute_on_failed();
Note that we need just to check for one of the lock as either all the locks are locked on none.

With exception based lockers we can do the following (note that the time is given as first argument to the locker constructor)
while (polling) try {
  bsynchro::unique_locker<boost::mutex> l1(t, m1);
  bsynchro::unique_locker<boost::mutex> l2(t, m2);
  bsynchro::unique_locker<boost::mutex> l3(t, m3);
  polling = false;
} catch (bsynchro::timeout_exception& ex) {
While the preceding code is exception safe and do not locks m2 if m1 is not acquired, do not avoid the deadlock when another thread  takes m1, m2 and m3 on a different order.

lock_until and lock_for non-member functions

We can yet try with

while (polling) try {
  std::unique_lock<boost::mutex> l1(m1, defer_lock);
  std::unique_lock<boost::mutex> l2(m2, defer_lock);
  std::unique_lock<boost::mutex> l3(m3, defer_lock);
  bsynchro::lock_until(now()+100, l1, l2, l3);
  polling = false;
} catch (bsynchro::timeout_exception& ex) {

locker_tuples or locker_array of Locker
We can go a step ahead and mix the advantage of taking all the locks at once and making the acquisition block scoped. In order to do that we need either a array_locker or a tuple_locker depending on whether the locks are homogeneous or not. These locker containers follows the same rules as the element wise lockers. If the time comes after the locks no exception is thrown on timeout and if given as the first parameter a exception will be thrown when the time will expire.
Using array_unique_locker the preceding code becomes without timeout exceptions
while (polling) {
  bsynchro::array_unique_locker<boost::mutex, 3> lk(m1, m2, m3, 100);
  if (lk.owns_lock()) {
    polling = false;
  } else execute_on_failed();
which is exception safe, efficient and help to avoid deadlocks.
With exception based timed locks (Note that the time is given before the locks)
while (polling) try {
  bsynchro::array_locker<boost::mutex, 3> lk(100, m1, m2, m3);
  polling = false;
} catch (bsynchro::timeout_exception& ex) {

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